Spinnaker Cove Yacht Club
Rules And Regulations
PO BOX 6072
LACONIA, NH 03247-6072
AMENDED October 31, 2021
The following Rules and Regulations apply to the operation of Spinnaker Cove Yacht Club and the conduct of owners, renters and guests while at Spinnaker Cove Yacht Club.
Pursuant to statute RSA 356-B:39-a, Voting Without a Meeting, these Rules and Regulations were amended by two-thirds of the Owners Total Voting Power as of October 30, 2021.
The Board of Directors reserves the right to recommend changes to existing Rules and Regulations when, in its opinion such changes and/or additions are in the best interest of the club’s membership. Changes recommended by the Board must be approved by two thirds (2/3) of the owners’ total voting power before they can become effective.
- Unit owners shall be held responsible for their actions as well as the actions of their children, guests and tenants. Any expenses incurred by the club as a result of damage caused to club property by a Unit Owner and/or family member, guest or tenant of a Unit Owner shall be the responsibility of said Unit Owner.
- Complaints regarding the management of the property or regarding actions of other Unit Owners shall be made in writing to the Board of Directors and signed by the complainant.
- Deleted at the Special Meeting October 24, 2015 of unit owners as mentioned above.
- As indicated in the Declaration of Condominium (Article VIII), prior to the sale or transfer conveyance of a unit, an application to sell a unit must be forwarded to the Board of Directors using the appropriate documents provided by the Association: (1) Notice of Intention to Convey Unit and (2) Waiver of Right of First Refusal form. Per Declaration 8-104 / By-Law 6-401, buyer is required to pay Initiation Buy-In to Spinnaker Cove Yacht Club at time of closing. All sales and transfers conveyance are subject to the Board’s approval.
- Unit owners, renters and guests are not allowed to bring animals, livestock, poultry, pets (including service animals and pets) anywhere on the grounds/parking lot, in the buildings or on the docks of Spinnaker Cove Yacht Club at any time.
- Skateboards, roller blades and/or any motorized scooters or bicycles are prohibited from all areas.
- In the event that a court of law should declare any paragraph herein to be invalid, such invalidation shall not invalidate remaining paragraphs.
- All Owners who are keeping a boat at SCYC must provide proof of current insurance each year prior to the boat being placed in the water. A copy of the annual insurance notification or any other proof of insurance provided by their insurance carrier should be sent by owners to the Secretary. If insurance expires during the boating season, new proof of current insurance must be provided to the Secretary at that time.
- Privileges & Responsibilities of owners who lease their slips and their renters are as follows:
- Owners who lease their slip give up all privileges to use SCYC facilities (including but not limited to: boat docks, club house, beach, parking area, jet ski spots, etc.).
- A Renter assumes all privileges and rights to use SCYC facilities for the current season.
- A Renter and his family and guests must abide by all SCYC Rules and Regulations.
- A Renter agrees to follow the Rental Agreement Procedure regarding required documentation (yearly lease agreement, indemnification form, current boat insurance certificate and payment of SCYC rental fee).
- Slips can only be rented for the entire season or the remainder of the season (if the original owner/renter needs to vacate). Renting by the day, weekend or random week(s) is not permitted.
- Sub-letting of slips is not permitted.
- Vehicles shall be parked in areas provided for that purpose. The unit owners, their lessees, family and visitors must obey any traffic regulations promulgated for the safety, comfort and convenience of the unit owners and guests. No vehicle exceeding their defined parking space limitation is allowed in the parking area. Motorcycles must have a proper kick stand plate to maintain the integrity of the parking lot. Parking is not permitted in another owner’s deeded parking space, unless prior permission from the owner/renter has been obtained. A Unit owner or the current renter has the right to have any unauthorized vehicle towed from their assigned parking space at the vehicle owner’s expense.
- Owners will be held responsible for damage to the common area caused by oil, gasoline or acid from their vehicles. This rule applies whether damage is to their own parking space or other spaces which they may be using with or without permission.
- Sleeping overnight in the parking lot is absolutely prohibited. This applies to but not limited to the use of campers, trailers, vans, trucks or tents.
- The parking lot is not to be used as a play area.
- Due to the limited number of parking spaces trailers may not be parked in owner or visitor parking spaces on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays from July 1st to September 30th.
- Smoking in the Club House and on the Club House grounds is restricted to the Club House designated smoking area (southeast corner of the patio). Smoking is prohibited in the Club House, on the Club House decks, patio (except designated smoking area), and beach and within ten feet of the bridge entrance.
- No owner or tenant may make or permit any guests to make disturbing noise in the Club House or on the common grounds of the Association between the hours of 12:00 AM and 7:00 AM. The volume of any sound reproducing device including but not limited to radios or TV’s must be muted to the extent that no sound will go beyond the area containing such device. This also includes the Club House. As a courtesy to your neighbors, reasonable volumes of music and/or voices must be maintained at all times.
- Owners or Tenants using the kitchen area are responsible for keeping the area clean after their use. This includes: the grill, stove, oven, pots, dishes and counter top. Also, there are to be NO dishes, pots, pans, etc. left to drain in the sink.
- Owners or Tenants shall be responsible for keeping bathrooms clean after their use. All towels, sanitary napkins, tissues, etc. should be put in the proper receptacle. Also, no personal belongings should be left in the bathrooms, such as clothes, hair dryers, shoes, towels etc.
- There is no fishing allowed on the main entrance bridge or surrounding walkways of the Club House.
- Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult in the Club House.
- No overnight sleeping in the Club House.
- No one under the age of 18 is allowed in the Club House after 12:00 AM unless accompanied by an adult.
- The last member or tenant to leave the Club House at the end of the day, or when no one else is present, is responsible for locking all doors (including men’s and ladies room doors), sliders and windows and turning out all lights.
- Consumption of alcoholic beverages by anyone under the age of 21 is prohibited on all common areas at Spinnaker Cove Yacht Club. Any alcoholic beverages you bring into the Club House should be removed when you leave the Club House.
- Due to the limited seating capacity and cooking facilities, each unit is restricted to 6 guests (including children) at all times when using the beach, patio, kitchen and dining facilities.
- Owners and Renters must be on the premises with guests when their guests are using SCYC facilities.
- Jet skis or any other motorized vehicles are prohibited in the beach area.
- Children under the age of 12 on the beach or in the water must be supervised by an adult.
- All outside furniture should be properly placed and umbrellas put down after use (to avoid damage).
- All swimming at Spinnaker Cove Yacht Club is done at your own risk.
- Owners and Tenants are responsible for the removal of rubbish from boats and docks. Rubbish is to be disposed of in the trash dumpster outside the gate. The placing of trash on top of or alongside of the dumpster is prohibited. No hazardous materials or building materials are to be placed in the dumpster.
- The use of gas or charcoal grills is prohibited on the docks, finger piers or on boats while in their slip.
- Gas cans are not allowed on the docks of Spinnaker Cove Yacht Club.
- No boats docked at Spinnaker Cove Yacht Club can be a navigational hazard. Due to the navigational hazards that may be caused by the size of boats in certain slips, the following boat length restrictions will apply:
- For boats docked on Dock 1 in Slips 1-1 through 1-12 inclusive, and for boats docked on Dock 2 in Slips 2-15 through 2-28 inclusive, the MAXIMUM Manufacturers LOA (Length Over All) of the vessel cannot exceed 31’1”.
- For boats docked on Dock 2 in Slips 2-1 through 2-12 inclusive, and for boats docked on dock 3 in Slips 3-18 through 3-25 inclusive, the MAXIMUM Manufacturers LOA of the vessel cannot exceed 45’.
- All swimming at Spinnaker Cove Yacht Club is done at your own risk. Extreme caution should be taken while swimming in and around boat slips so as to not impair the navigation of any boat leaving or entering Spinnaker Cove Yacht Club.
- As stated in Article 8-101 of the Declaration, both purchaser and seller must complete and sign the Notice of Intention to Convey and the Right of First Refusal forms prior to the completion of sale. Prior to getting Board approval of the sale, the unit purchaser and seller have the responsibility of taking into consideration the water depth, and the boat’s length and beam so as not to cause a navigational hazard to surrounding boats. As stated in Declaration Article 8-104 and By-Law 6-401, a purchaser of a unit shall pay Spinnaker Cove Yacht Club Association a one-time non-refundable Initiation Buy-In of $500.00. This payment is due at the time of closing.
- Boats are not to be tied to the upright dock supports. All boats should be tied to cleats and pilings.
- The pump out area is not to be used as a docking space for guests or for repairs. The pump out is for the exclusive use of club members only.
- The purpose of the docks is for access to boats. Dock chairs are not allowed to be set in such a way as to block passage or access to other boats.
- For the protection of docks and finger piers, all boats must have adequate clearance on either side, per survey of dock area dated November 1988. No additional pilings or repairs to docks are to be done without prior written permission of the Board of Directors.
- No carpeting or covering of any kind will we allowed on docks and finger piers.
- No storage boxes will be allowed on docks or finger piers.
- Bicycles are not permitted on docks or the club house walk ways.
- Guest slips are to be used only when the party being visited is present. Guest passes must be placed in view on the watercraft. Sleeping on boats in guest slips is not permitted. Boats remaining in the guest slips for an overnight, must be approved by the Board of Directors. Guest slips are not to be used at any time by owners or renters for their jet skis or other watercraft. These guest slips are reserved for the exclusive use of guests only.
- Deleted here. Moved to Rule #9-General.
- Boats not properly registered to the party owning or renting the slip they are in are subject to being removed from the club at the owner’s expense, as well as a fine for violating club rules.
- For safety reasons, the circuit breaker must be turned off at the stanchion before unplugging the electric cord from the boat.
- Jet Skis being kept at the club are only allowed by permission of the Board of Directors.
- Jet Ski mooring privileges are renewable every year. Renewal procedures are outlined in the Club’s Jet Ski Registration Policy.
- There is to be no fueling of Jet Skis within Spinnaker Cove Grounds.
- The docking, mooring and use of all Jet Skis are governed by the clubs Jet Ski Registration Policy. Jet Skis are prohibited in the beach area. Jet Skis belonging to owners and renters cannot be tied up at the end of docks or in the guest slips. When not in use, the jet ski needs to be tied up in the owner or renter’s assigned jet ski spot. The ‘gate’ at the beach is not to be adjusted to provide ‘room’ for a jet ski.
In the event these Rules and Regulations are violated the clubs Board of Directors is authorized to take action against the offender(s). Such action may include but is not limited to a warning for the first offense and the right to impose a possible monetary fine for subsequent offenses.
The remedy for violation provided for by the Condominium Act, NH-RSA Chapter 356B, shall be in full force and effect. In addition hereto, should the Association find it necessary to bring a Court Action for compliance with the law, and the courts findings that the violations complained about is willful and deliberated, the Unit Owner so violating shall reimburse the Association for reasonable attorney’s fees incurred by it to bring such action as determined by the Board.